Real Estate Safe Transaction SDK
for Proptech companies
to Prevent Real Estate Scams
the developer and operator of the vaccine pass
that servers more than for 43 million users.
Blockchain-based Real Estate Safe Transaction SDK
We’ve developed an SDK (Software Development Kit) that can be conveniently integrated into your real estate app, to effectively prevent any real estate scams.
Check landlord information in real-time
Before signing any paperwork, you can easily check all relevant information about the landlord by scanning the landlord’s QR code.
Register & Update the property lease status
Upon completing the lease agreement, you can record the current lease status of the property on the blockchain network, which can prevent any future real estate scams.
SDK Screen
Verify the landlord's information
Landlord’s Real Estate App Screen
When tenants/applicants request for landlord’s information, the landlord can press the ‘Share Information’ button on his/her Real Estate App.
Landlord’s QR Code
When the landlord presses ‘Share Information’ button, a QR code appears. This QR code allows any information to be shared securely and privately.
Applicant Scans
Landlord’s QR Code
By scanning the landlord’s QR code, applicants can view and verify the information shared by the landlord.
Verify Landlord’s Information in Real-time
Applicants can decide to sign the lease (or not) after verifying the landlord’s information.
SDK Screen
Registering/Updating Property Lease Status
Right after signing the lease, update the property’s lease status in real-time on the blockchain network to prevent any future real estate scams.
Property Details Screen
After signing the lease, the tenant presses the ‘Register Lease Info’ button on the ‘Property Details’ screen, to update the property’s lease status.
* Landlord or Agent can update the lease status instead
Register Lease Info Screen
The property details are automatically filled in. The tenant can record the landlord’s information and the lease terms.
Request Landlord’s Signature
After completing the lease registration form, the tenant requests (via QR code) the landlord to confirm and sign the form.
Landlord Scans Tenant’s QR Code
The landlord scans the tenant’s QR code to receive the completed lease registration form for review.
Review Lease Info & Sign
When the landlord signs the lease registration form, the property’s updated lease status is registered on the blockchain network.
* This process can replace Lease Reporting
Benefits to Involved Parties
Safe real estate transaction (empowered by our SDK) provides numerous benefits to all involved parties.
Proptech Companies
Improved Property Credibility
During the property search phase, providing the current lease status of the properties will improve the service experience and credibility.
Extended App Usability
By facilitating not only the property searches, but also the lease agreements, the service can improve its usability.
Safe Real Estate Transaction
By being able to conveniently verify property details and lease terms, tenants can safely sign the lease.
Simplified Lease Reporting
Use the completed lease agreement to conveniently submit the Lease Reporting
* Lease Reporting will become mandatory in South Korea starting June 2023
Improved Property Credibility
Providing credible information about the property to the applicants improves the leasing experience.
Simplified Lease Reporting
Use the completed lease agreement to conveniently submit the Lease Reporting
* Lease Reporting will become mandatory in South Korea starting June 2023
Blockchain-based Real Estate Safe Transaction SDK
Similar to how the vaccination QR code was integrated into the platforms like Naver and Kakao, real estate safe transaction SDK
can be integrated into real estate transactions to solve problematic real estate scams.
Experienced (through COOV)
in operating a large-scale blockchain-based service
Blockchain Labs’ vaccine pass COOV, serving more than 43 million users, is the world’s first large-scale blockchain-based service.

Our ‘Real Estate Safe Transaction Solution’ uses the same technology used in COOV – just applied to real estate transactions.
What is
Vaccine Pass?
Developed the world’s only public blockchain with no cryptocurrency
Blockchain Labs developed InfraBlockchain, the world’s only public blockchain with no cryptocurrency.

It is the only blockchain technology to be patented and acknowledged.
Our patented PoT consensus algorithm enables the network to reach consensus based on transactions, without involving any native cryptocurrency.
Our patented PoT consensus algorithm enables the network to reach consensus based on transactions, without involving any native cryptocurrency.